Red Badge
Verified on Sunbath with a Red verification Badge.
- $3/Month or $36/Year.
- UNLIMITED Messaging Data.
- UNLIMITED Group Channel Data.
- Payment name must match identification & must be confirmed in verification e-mail form.
- Javascript/Php enabled for customizing webstore.
- A custom badge shop with customized badges of any thing.
- Future badges will specify if they require a verification badge.
- Exclusive future updates.
Blue Badge
Verified on Sunbath with a Blue verification Badge.
- $5/Month or $60/Year.
- UNLIMITED Messaging Data.
- UNLIMITED Group Channel Data.
- Must be a celebrity, famous, unique or rare to be eligible for a 'Blue Badge'.
- Custom URL.. tailored to your company/brand.
- Payment name must match identification & must be confirmed in verification e-mail form.
- Javascript/Php enabled for customizing webstore.
- A custom badge shop with customized badges of any thing.
- Future badges will specify if they require a verification badge.
- Exclusive future updates.
Classic Owner Badge
Cosmetic item with no verification required.
- One and only, once in a lifetime purchase.
- 0 verified badge benefits apply.
- Cosmetic
- Custom badge
- Discontinued item date to be announced...
- Exclusive future updates.